"The Final Pope is Here"

Petrus Romanus? Really?

Sources:  Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam, Petrus Romanus, Crane, MO: Defender, 2012; and Malachi Martin, Windswept House: A Vatican Novel, New York: Doubleday (Mainstreet), 1996.

I’ve been plowing through books by Horn and Cris Putnam since I heard their interview by Sid Roth. Their books are long, 450 to 600 pages, laden with facts, dates, names, events, history, connections, illustrations, source references, conservative biblical applications, and lots of risky speculation about apocalyptic arcana and the era of 2012 to 2016. Getting through even one of the books is a daunting task, recommended only for those who are really interested in the topic.

Their message begins with the prophecy of St. Malachy about the popes from Celestine II (1143-1144) to the last pope, the current Pope Francis, called “Petrus Romanus” or Peter the Roman in the prophecy, (Chapters 1 and 2 of Petrus). In this pontiff’s reign, according to Malachy, persecution will plague the church, Rome will be destroyed, and the terrible Judge will judge his people. Ah, ‘tis the stuff of a Dan Brown novel.

There is also plenty of info in the above-mentioned books covering the secretive Freemasons and their insidious plots to use blasphemous rituals to defile the Vatican and bring forth a satanic persona who will be the Antichrist.

There is so much material in each book that I will devote this post just to Petrus Romanus. Later posts will deal with Exo-Vaticana, Zenith 2016, and maybe Windswept House.

In this 550-page opus, the prophecy of St. Malachy is examined in excruciating detail. Whatever the reader thinks about that ancient document, the research is impressive. Máel Máedóc Ua Morgaèr was born in Armagh, Ireland in 1094. He rose quickly in Catholic ranks. After a visit to Pope Innocent II, as he proceeded to leave Rome, he alleges to have seen a vision on Janiculum Hill in which he was given a short Latin phrase representing every pope from the time of Pope Celestine II (1143-1144) to the very last pope, today’s Pope Frances, during whose dominion Rome will be destroyed.

The prophecy has a long, controversial history. More than half of the phrases may be “prophecy from the event.” The final 40 entries (post-1595, covering 440 years) can be surprisingly accurate. Horn and Putnam do their due diligence to examine the validity of the document and the accuracy of the prophecies. Those who read the book can judge for him or herself whether the prophecy is a forgery or a revelation. Some of the phrases seem spot on, others not so much.

It's intriguing that the "final pope" in the list appeared so close to a year that other prognosticators have drawn attention to. One researcher predicted in 1950 (through logic rather than revelation) that the final pope would arrive in 2012. Although Francis wasn’t elected until 2013, Pope Benedict announced his intent to resign due to health issues in 2012. (p. 32, 33)

Horn and Putnam go to great lengths to associate Malachy’s prophecy with the year 2012. That and their examination of anagrams, numerology, and codes in The Prophecy put the book into the realm of contemporary mystic speculative conspiracies which will fascinate some readers and turn others away. They hang themselves way out on a limb by suggesting that Frances will in fact be the last pope, and that he may be the False Prophet of the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. This was a risk they were more than willing to take.

Here is one of those delicious quotes that kept me reading from beginning to end:
“During an audience with the general Chapter of the Franciscans in 1909, Pius X fell into a semi-trance with his head sunk on his chest, and after a few minutes he came to and opened his eyes with a look of horror on his face. He reputedly cried out: ‘What I have seen was terrible… Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the Pope will quit Rome, and in fleeing from the Vatican he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests. Do not tell anyone while I am alive.’” See that prophecy online here. Well, that was over a century ago so let's not lose any sleep over it.

In the book, one learns in much detail the tremendous Masonic influence of the Founding Fathers and the designers of our currency, the District of Columbia, the Statue of Liberty, the Great Seal of the United States, tourist attractions such as the capitol building with its dome and pagan artwork, and the Washington Monument. The Masons, according to Horn and Putnam, claim to go clear back to Nimrod of the Bible. They have been plotting to usher in a New World Order ever since.

In Genesis 10, Nimrod was nothing more than a Mesopotamian “king” of a city-state and champion hunter (as all kings were) who spread his suzerainty or dominion over other city-states in upper and lower Sumer. He eventually exerted authority, like an emperor, over major cities of Assyria, eight cities in all. The “great city” was Nineveh. The Hebrew author of Genesis 1-11 may have been located in the city of Assur and would have had access to ancient archives written on baked clay tablets in the Akkadian and Sumerian language. Nimrod may have been a historical king with a different foreign name, or an archetype of a King of Kings such as Sargon I, or a reflection of legendary heroes such as Gilgamesh, but this alleged hunter-king began his influence in Babylon and ended in Nineveh.

No scholar of the Ancient Near East would suggest that Nimrod was the equivalent of the god Apollo and/or Osiris. But Horn and Putnam make the case that the Freemasons believe it and worship this combined individual/deity even today. What is disturbing is that Horn and Putnam seem to have bought into that assessment of Nimrod’s identity. It's seriously great clickbait. 

The Freemasons have always been an influential group if one can believe their roster of members over the centuries. That list includes George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, most of the founding Fathers, Franklin D. Roosevelt, his vice president Henry Wallace, George H. W. Bush, and his son George H. In fact, we are assured that a plaque in the House of the Temple in Washington, DC celebrates the fact that the Bush families have donated over a million dollars to the Masonic cause. Horn claims to have seen it. He connects Freemasonry with the Skull and Bones Society where so many of our leaders connect with one another.

Due to eons of secrecy, it’s difficult to know for sure what Freemasons at the upper levels actually believe and do, but Horn and Putnam believe that they have cracked the code of Masonic symbols, revealing a devotion to Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod at the highest levels (p. 117). This worship involves satanic rituals whenever a new pope or president is picked. The ultimate goal is to call forth a demonic entity (Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod) which will be embodied as a human in order to reign over a New World Order, a One World Government, undoubtedly assisted by global elites, politicos, billionaires, corporate leaders, and energy moguls.

Horn introduces us to a former and late Jesuit priest named Malachi Martin who hobnobbed with the likes of John XXIII and John Paul VI. He was released from priestly duties to write about issues threatening the church of his day. He believed, wrote, and stated openly that there was a cabal of homosexuals, anti-papists, Freemasons, and satanists at the highest levels of the Vatican. In that claim, Martin certainly was in step with the Bayside, NY apparition of the Virgin Mary who wailed non-stop that Satan had taken over the Vatican and that assassins continually threatened Pope Paul VI. Other high officials were making the same claim around 2000 (p. 90).

Martin claimed that a demonic ritual was performed simultaneously in the Vatican in Rome and in the U.S. on June 29, 1963. The purpose was to enthrone Lucifer as the prince over Rome and “to assure the sorcerous inception and embodiment in flesh of that immaterial spirit that would fill Petrus Romanus.” These churchmen called “the superforce” were sufficiently influential that even John Paul VI stated in 1963 that “the smoke of Satan has entered the sanctuary.” (p. 90-93)

The fearsome scandals began even earlier than John Paul VI. Pope Paul I died under suspicious circumstances just 33 days after his installation. His successor, Pope Paul II, battled mutinous and deceptive Jesuits who had virtually loosed themselves from the moorings from the traditional Vatican dock and struck out on their own. John Paul VI inherited that conflict and pretty much lost.

There is so much more in this book that I can’t even touch on due to space. These are interesting and troubled times. Fortunately for me, the next two books repeat some of the major themes of this end times scenario. That is helpful, because I am one who needs to read such a book two or three times to really absorb it.

I am taking no stand on how accurate these predictions are. I wrote Tom Horn in an email and reminded him what it would do to this lifetime compendium of research if Francis dies in 2018 and another Pope steps peacefully into his place. Horn and Putman pushed all their chips into the pot and left themselves no back door. In the real world, the worst prophecies of doom usually don’t come to pass whereas the worst disasters that do occur are seldom predicted by anyone.
